Monday, December 21, 2020

 EPISODE 364 *the best and worst of 20202*


     As we prepare to slam the door on this dumpster fire goat fuck of a year it wouldn't be complete without a visit from T-Shirt Joe to help us run down the good, the bad, and the ugly of all the flicks of 2020.  And we also have a very important... very special message from Tim Gross that you all need to hear.  And as always we cover what we've been watching. What's been happening in the news, and answer your listener questions.  So download this episode or prepare to get infected with COVID 20.


Thursday, December 17, 2020



     This week Tim, kyle, and John come back to the show and they bring yet another 3 flicks to talk about.  First Tim picks an action flick he found in the dollar bin at the local dollar tree that stars almost every c level action star in ASSASSIN X.  Then John talks about a home alone type flick that's jacked up to ten in 2020's BECKY,  And then Kyle brings a sequel that kinda stands on it's own merits in FROM DUCK TILL DAWN 2: TEXAS BLOOD MONEY.  We also chat about football (what else is new), Insane Llama-sploitation, John watches Tim and Dan's flick Blood Freak,  Kyle and John explain their love for disaster movies, we answer your questions and all the regular jazz that this show is known for.  So download this episode or Kevin James will carve out your eyeballs. 


Thursday, December 10, 2020



     We are back once again with yet again 3 more flicks that we found outside a dumpster behind an old video store.  First Tim checks out a Don "the dragon" Wilson flick in the original Bloodspot rip off BLOODFIST. The you remember how much Kyle loved Graveyard Disturbance? well, he found a movie that was made on the same sets and by the same director in Lamberto Bava's DINNER WITH A VAMPIRE.  And lastly John checks out a Roger Corman produced flick in DINOCROC.  We also chat about football (as usual).  Kyle watches The Hunt For Red October to honor the recently departed Sean Connery. We have a discussion about who is the greatest comedian of all time.  We answer your questions and review what we have been watching lately.  so download this episode or George Carlin will yell 7 very specific words at you.


Thursday, December 3, 2020


We return this week to talk once again about 3 fine fright flicks.  First Baron Frankenstein reanimates a sexy lady in the hammer horror flick FRANKENSTEIN CREATED WOMAN.  Then we talk about a true old time classic full of monsters in ABBOT & COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN (a first time watch for Kyle) And finally Kyle picks a new flick completely at random in 2020's STARIS a.k.a. BLACK OPS a.k.a. THE ASCENT... cause you know a film with 3 titles has to be awesome, right?  We also get into topics such as assorted Batman butlers, what we watched over Halloween, John's dislike of Tenacious D, The greatness of Hell Night and the beauty of young Linda Blair, Kyle watched a great movie about A killer hair weave, We also got news, listener questions, and a ton of other fun stuff.  So download this episode or Scarlett Johansen will remake your favorite old time monster movie.... and we don't want that.